On time, the launch of new atomic 2019 products was successfully concluded.

Release time:


Thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule to participate in this conference. At this press conference, we prepared a venue for more than 400 people. Finally, through the lottery ticket number statistics, the number of people present at the scene was about 550, and the scene was very hot... On-time atoms thank you again for your support, because your support makes on-time atoms.

Thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule to participate in this conference. At this press conference, we prepared a venue for more than 400 people. Finally, through the lottery ticket number statistics, the number of people present at the scene was about 550, and the scene was very hot... On-time atoms thank you again for your support, because your support makes on-time atoms.


How hot is the press conference? Please look at several groups of live photos.

As can be seen from the photos, the press conference of our factory is full. At the beginning of the press conference, the display area behind is full of spectators. After returning from the midfield tea break, the same display area was full of spectators. This far exceeded our expectations, because we only prepared a venue of 200 people for the 2018 press conference, and finally reached more than 300 people, so this time we prepared a venue of more than 400 people, but reached more than 500 people. To those fans who stood watching the on-the-spot atomic launch, thank you. It really doesn't matter how many people arrive at a press conference, what matters is how long they can hold on. Fans of punctime atoms are all sticking to the end, and once again sincerely thank you for your continued support for punctime atoms. On-time atoms will continue to serve domestic electronic engineers and electronic technology enterprises.

At this conference, the punctiousness atom showed a total of more than 40 schemes, all kinds of schemes are very popular with fans. programme exhibition area of a sea of people:

The press conference started at 2 o'clock on time. Of course, our host sister was the first to enter. We have also made a lot of efforts in the selection of the host. After voting by all members of the company, we have chosen a host whose appearance and voice are very popular with electronic engineers (because 80% of the punctual atomic team are technical men).

Do you think the host is beautiful?


First of all, Mr. Zhang yang, CEO of punctuality atom, introduces punctuality atom and atomic brother. we punctuality atom insist on being the lifelong partner of electronic engineers. www.yuanzige.com, the teaching platform of atomic brother, provides a professional learning platform for everyone with a dedicated attitude.

2019 Pair Atom Won ST Strategic Partner Award

On-time Atomic will continue to focus on serving domestic electronic engineers and electronic enterprises. At the same time, we will rely on Atomic Brother's online teaching platform for online and offline training.

These are keywords related to punctive atoms that an electronic engineer should be familiar.

Next, by our Linux technical director left leader (left god) for everyone to release Linux new products. Alpha development board, as the first Linux development board of punctive atom, has reached an amazing 4 million in the pre-quota, which is unprecedented in the development board industry. This also shows that everyone has waited too long for the Linux development board.

The left leader especially thanks all the friends who found and fed back the problems for the punctuated atomic Linux tutorial, because of you, many mistakes and omissions in our tutorial can be found in time, thank you for your support.

Next, the left leader released the Alpha Linux development board to us. The development board so far, supporting 150 talk video, 1500 page tutorial. And all open source free.

The left leader is right, the user is the best referee, whether your product is good or not, whether the information is good or not, only the user has the final say, the user is the only group with the right to speak.

Next, FPGA Technical Director Adon introduced the new ZYNQ product of punctiousness atom: Leader and Star. ZYNQ is a high-performance ARM FPGA. In the future, punctuation atoms will also work on high-performance FPGAs to provide relevant solutions for engineers and enterprises.



Finally, Atomic Brother gave us a new STM32/tool category. STM32 new products include Polaris STM32H750/F750 development board, STM32 minimum system board. New products in the tool category include: P100 offline burner, T100 intelligent soldering station, high-speed wireless debugger and other new products. In IoT, we also launched 4G DTU this year.


T100 intelligent welding station

P100 Offline Burner

high-speed wireless debugger

Duy 4G

Finally, Wu Yangyong, co-founder of punctive atomic partner RT-Thread, and Alex, marketing director of innovation workshop, gave us a brief share.

All six guest speakers finished their speeches, and the conference entered the final stage. The next step is the online and offline lottery. A total of dozens of lucky winners were produced in the lottery. Congratulations to you guys.


After the lottery, we entered the prize question session. Based on the consideration of time, we only gave 10 viewers the opportunity to say sorry again.



With the end of the award-winning questions, this punctime atomic 2019 new product launch and fan meeting was successfully concluded. Many fans and guests continued to ask questions and take photos with the punctive atomic team.